Protecting Valuable assets is a daunting task, however irrespective of the industry where you operate, Risk Control is uniquely equipped to deliver focused security consulting and support throughout Nigeria. We can help with designing an effective security plan, developing comprehensive security policies and procedures, conducting site security review, recruiting security manpower, conduct risk assessment and specify actions to take to minimize threats and mitigate risks to business continuity.

Nigeria Risk Index

The Nigeria Risk Index (NRI) is Risk Control’s proprietary, daily updated security database of publicly reported security incidents. The incidents have been expertly curated, categorized, indexed along different risk factors and indicators, thus serving as a valuable resource for informed analysis and threat monitoring of Nigeria’s security landscape. Our weekly and monthly security situation reports give a nationwide comparative analysis of events and forecasts that enable proactive decision making.

Our clients can extend the capabilities of their protective efforts by leveraging on the NRI security portal to track, analyze, forecasts and take proactive actions about incidents that may pose danger to their assets. Features Of The Portal Include:

  • - Real time threat alert
  • - Threat monitoring
  • - Trend analysis

Clients who rely on Risk Control for security consulting services often hire us in the following areas:

  • - Design a security plan for a project or a company.
  • - Conduct site security reviews.

  • - Perform Risk Assessment
  • - Perform Threat Monitoring and Real time Threat Alert
  • - Develop security procedures’ manual.
  • - Manage safe travel protocols for employees.
  • - Supervise a security team to implement a security plan.
  • - Liaise with law enforcement